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Change your world

by changing yourself

Victims look to blame

My clients look within

Life happens to victims

Life happens for my clients


Guiding you from:

Body Dysmorphia



Suicidal Ideation

Impostor Syndrome

The Inner Critic




Generational Trauma


Inviting you to:

Your life


your beliefs


  • Step 1: Character Mode

    Liberation reveals who you are through awareness of who you are not. You are not the character that you identify with. However, like the lotus that grows from mud and darkness, your character’s story is your path to the light.

  • Step 2: Player Mode

    Integration of awareness creates space to practice playing your character. Like a cheat code, learning to Be Here Now opens more possibilities for you, allowing for ever-expanding awareness of new thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.

  • Step 3: Creator Mode

    As practice becomes mastery of the known, you will trust yourself to create from your heart whenever you step into the unknown. Learn to be the Manifestation of yourself as you live the life of your dreams.


Conscious Counsel

This journey is for you. Be seen, heard, and held like never before. Guiding you through the steps, reflections will go as deep as you are willing to meet yourself. All parts of you are welcome - especially the parts that do not feel welcome.

Group Conscious Counsel

I am available to explore this work in groups - for couples, friends, or even the workplace - so that you can meet one another as you are instead of how you are perceived. Consider that your relationships do not exist between you, but rather within you.

Creative Counsel

For those who have worked directly with me, short or long-term commitments are available by inquiry. This includes continuation counsel, couples counsel with reflections from my wife, Maryam, and/or in-person retreats and meetings.


How you see the world

is how you see you

  • “There is one earth, but there are millions of worlds. In each body, a unique world is present.” ―Mooji

  • “As I speak, I create.” ―Abracadabra translated from Aramaic

  • “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ―Rumi

    “As above, so below; as below, so above.” ―The Principle of Correspondence

  • “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ―Wayne Dyer

  • “The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.” ―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • I see you. And I thank you for your courage to look within. Please be kind to yourself. This journey calls for trust, patience, and practice.

  • It is a beautiful intention to save the world, or a person. However, the intention often carries a subtle message: something is wrong, or something is broken and must be fixed. Be conscious of adding resistance to the way things are, as physics dictates that actions cause equal and opposite reactions.

    Similar to how Mother Teresa refused to attend anti-war rallies but would support a pro-peace rally, align with what you are for - not against. In other words, rather than fight the old world from fear, join me in manifesting a new one in love.

  • You were trained to resolve conflict by listening, asking the right questions, issue spotting, reading people, interpreting words, and thinking critically. In between meeting your billable hours requirement and resolving your clients’ conflicts, do you ever turn these skills inward to meet yourself and your own conflict? Join me in imagining a legal system that looks within first. It may restore our hearts to our work.

    Despite the lawyer stereotypes, I know your heart. I know you care. And if my words resonate with you, I know how hard it is to serve clients that refuse to look within. But you can still C.A.R.E. (inspired by Peter Crone): Create a safe space for clients to speak, Acknowledge what they say, Respect their reality, and Express gratitude for their business. Watch what happens when your clients feel seen, heard, and held by you.